Examples for "sour rye soup"
Examples for "sour rye soup"
1Krzysztof Żurek was knocked over by the wind and tumbled twenty metres before the nearest piton stopped his fall.
1He stood up and heard the girl ask, 'Be you a-goin', zur?'
2Ein Beitrag zur Lehre von der Enstehung und Verbreitung der Arten, etc.
3J. J. J. Erster Beytrag zur Fortsetzung der Wahren Inspiration's Gemeinschaft, etc.
4I'll drar 'un off for ee, zur, nex' time the patrols pass.
5The man piped after him, 'Did 'ee give they Frenchies a quiltin', zur?'
6The groom called, 'Keep an eye open on them roads, Cap'n Adam, zur.
7For the bioliography of Alfred's works in general see Wulker, Grundriss zur Gesch.
8He looked over at Bolitho and called, 'Old Jonas is never wrong, zur!
9You're not fra Wales or the border counties, zur, that be very clear.'
10See 'Beitrage zur Kenntniss Europaischer Pinus-arten von Dr. Christ: Flora, 1864.'
11But in a way indeed I think one cannot ignore this, zur Hausen said.
12He said, Th' coachman was a-tellin' Oi, zur, why the mail is late, y'see?
13He had said matter-of-factly, This is called Hanger Lane, zur.
14Below it is written: "Mrs. and Mr. Parker, zur freundlichen Erinnerrung-Lujio Brentano."
15I'm a watchman, zur, it was all I could get.
16He is its chief representative." {Footnote: "Gesammelte Aufsatze zur neueren Litteratur," p.